I marked this in my mind when you first posted it. But you haven’t said what things are being deemed bad or in need of correction. I can’t know what you mean here.
Men were once highly thought of by society when they banded together, were tough, brave, take charge, daring, aggressive etc. and the ones that were that way were more likely to survive. More and more, being aggressive, being able to take charge and being tough are not all that necessary for survival but most men and boys to varying degrees are hard wired to be that way and there aren't many outlets for it any more.
In times of peace or plenty, men invented games or customs that allowed them to join together and let off steam, be aggressive, be competitive and feel a sense of belonging, camaraderie and accomplishment. Often their work involved physical exertion and provided them with a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie and belonging. Today, a lot boys are holed up in their rooms sitting behind computer screens isolating themselves from actual human contact.They have no outlet for the hard wired tendencies they possess and are sometimes given the message that these tendencies are bad or wrong. The men in their life may be absent or unsure of their own role as males. The resulting resentment and frustration they feel festers into mental illness.
Men are usually happy to let women do their thing but women often want to change men, reel them in, tamp them down and ratchet back their male tendencies. Boys typically don't want to join the girls softball team or be girl scouts but today, boys are required to allow girls to join in every activity that they do and they are expected to change their behavior to accommodate the girls. If a boy wanted to be on the girls softball team, he'd likely be mocked his peers and his sexuality might even be questioned but when a girl wants to join in and activity that is typically male, she is encouraged and even thought of as admirable.
My sons were on the high school wrestling team and sometimes there'd be a girl on the opposing team. The boys often didn't know what to do or where to put their hands. The felt bad if they won because it meant they just beaten a girl and if they lost, they felt bad because they were beaten by a girl.
Anyway, it's a complex issue and I'm oversimplifying things here but there are studies that show how the changing role of men and boys in our society combined with our countries unhealthy relationship with guns and the resulting inadequacies in the gun control regulations and the upsurge in the ability for anyone to get instant media attention is at the root of why we're seeing an upsurge in young males going on shooting sprees.